Workshops Conducted Related to Imagery Use
Exploring Personal Boundaries Through Imagery, May – June, 1983
Clinical Use of Imagery, workshop for staff of Chrysalis Mental Health Center,
November, 1984
Clinical Use of Imagery, workshop for Practicum Students, Counseling Bureau,
University of Minnesota, March, 1985
Death in the Context of Life, imagery workshops for staff of Mount Olivet Careview Nursing Home, 1984-85
Self-Awareness, Change, and Connection Through Transition/Death Imagery,
workshop presented at the Minnesota Coalition for Terminal Care 9th Annual Fall
Conference, November, 1986
Personal Exploration of Death, workshop (with strong imagery component) for
healthcare providers working with the dying and their families, April, 1989
Clinical Use of Imagery, presentation for the Walk-In Counseling Center, March, 1996
Application of Imagery in the Recovery from Addiction, workshop for the Minnesota Association of Resources for Recovery and Chemical Health, October, 1997
Unraveling Grief: The Use of Imagery in the Facilitation of Healing, workshop for Chrysalis Mental Health Clinic, May, 2002
Clinical Use of Imagery, professional development program for staff at the University Counseling & Consulting Services, University of Minnesota, May 26, 2009
Academic and CEU Courses Taught Related to Imagery Use
The Therapeutic Use of Imagery for Psychological and Spiritual Growth, one-credit course at Saint Mary’s University, 1994 – 1999
Grief Therapy and Complicated Mourning, presentation (with a description of imagery interventions component) for the Minnesota Psychological Association, January, 1995
The Therapeutic Use of Imagery, summer class for graduate students in counseling, Winona State University, July, 1997
The Therapeutic Use of Imagery, CEU presentation, Minnesota School of Professional Psychology, April, 1998
Use of Imagery in Therapy, CEU presentation, Adler Graduate School, June, 1999
An Overview and Comparison of Imagery Approaches Currently Used in Psychotherapy, presentation for the Minnesota Psychological Association, March, 2008 (Duluth) and May, 2008 (Saint Paul)
The Use of Imagery in Clinical Practice: Applications from Different Theoretical
Approaches, class for clinical psychology doctoral students at the National University of Ireland, Galway, March 26, 2009, October 26, 2010
The Artist in Everyone: Using Imagery to Create An Authentic Life, guest lecturer in Psychology of Aesthetics and the Arts class, National University of Ireland, Galway, March 30, 2009, March 8, 2010
The Person of the Therapist: Using Imagery for Professional Growth, class for
clinical psychology doctoral students at the National University of Ireland,
Galway, October 27, 2010
Interpersonal Neurobiology, Imagery, and the Person of the Therapist, class for clinical psychology doctoral students at the National University of Ireland, Galway, October 25, 2011
Consultation Groups Conducted Related To Imagery Use
Application of Therapeutic Imagery in Clinical Practice, Seminar/Consultation Group, February, 1999 – December,1999
Application of Therapeutic Imagery in Clinical Practice, Seminar/Consultation Group, March, 2007 – June, 2007